This was the heart-wrenching scream of a Palestinian toddler suffering from severe burns inflicted by indiscriminate Israeli fire. Gaza is aflame again and a total of
61 Palestinians were killed yesterday by the Israeli army, almost half were civilians. In fact it seems to be just the beginning as an Israeli deputy defense minister threatened Gaza with
holocaust (!!!) should the rockets continue to fall on
Sderot and
I deeply sympathize with the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza and seethe with anger at the sheer brutality of Israel's behavior. But mostly, I despair at the futility of it all. The Israeli obligingly
pulverize everything in Gaza using the rockets as their excuse. Their strategy is simple: make life in Gaza a living hell until it implodes and self-destructs. But I cannot understand
Hamas' strategy. What is the purpose of rockets randomly lobbed at
Sderot or elsewhere? How does that help the Palestinian cause or the Palestinian people?
I am sure some readers will be indignant at these questions. Do I not understand the right to resist, to self defense, to live in honor and dignity? Sure I do, I understand and appreciate these concepts on an emotional level, but logic and rational thinking dictates that the first order of business should be self preservation. Gaza is completely surrounded by one of the world's biggest war machines and one that has no qualms about raining death and destruction by F-16 and
Blackhawk helicopters. The cold hard reality is that Israel can sustain low grade hostilities (and blockades, etc) in Gaza without risking the ire of the international community but cannot go on all out offensive without a cover. But when the first pictures of the distressed people of
Ashkelon whose peace and tranquility was inconvenienced by rockets hit the front pages of the international media, Israel will have all the cover it needs to
pulverize what remains of Gaza. So why hand the Israelis the cover that they need?
Hamas has some clever endgame in mind. If they do, it will come at a very high price for the Palestinian people; too high a price. There must be a better way.