Monday, May 14, 2007

A Challenger to Bashar's Presidency?

Within days of the Syrian national referendum on the presidency of Bashar al-Asad, a lawyer by the name of Abdallah al-Khalil announced that he has submitted an application to minister of justice to register as a candidate for the presidential elections! I don't know if this guy is for real but if he is, I admire his guts. He is challenging Bashar on constitutional grounds arguing that the Syrian constitution stipulates that the president is chosen through an electoral process rather than through a referendum. There appears to be in fact, conflicting articles in the constitution. Mr. al-Khalil presented his request about a month ago but says that he was surprised when the authorities declared Bashar al-Asad the sole candidate. The report below, from Mideast Transparent predicts that this situation may cause problems for the Syrian political leadership. Somehow, I doubt it; haven't they been ignoring the constitution for the past 44 years?

حادثة لاسابقة لها محام سوري يرشح نفسه لرئاسة الجمهورية

في خطوة لا سابقة لها رشح المحامي عبدالله الخليل نفسه لانتخابات رئاسة الجمهورية في سورية متبعاً الاجراءات الرسمية بتقديم طلبه الى القيادة القطرية لحزب البعث الحاكم للموافقة على الطلب واحالته الى مجلس الشعب، وذلك استنادا ً الى نص المادة 83 من دستور الجمهورية العربية السورية , والمادة 84 منه ايضا ،ً والفقرات 2 و3 و4 من المادة 25 من الدستور , التي تناولت ترشيح وانتخاب رئيس الجمهورية . ومن المتوقع أن يحدث ذلك اشكالات دستورية لآن المادة 48 نصت عن اجراء استفتاء لرئاسة الجمهورية. والمادة 25 نصت على الانتخاب استناداً الى العهد الدولي للحقوق المدنية والسياسية التي تناولت المساواة في ادارة الشؤون العامة والانتخابات النزيهة. والى المادة 33 من الميثاق العربي لحقوق الانسان التي صادقت على جميعها الجمهورية العربية السورية .

وقال المحامي الخليل: انني سبق ان طالبت بأن يكون التنافس على منصب رئيس الجمهورية عن طريق الانتخاب وليس الإستفتاء , وذلك بتاريخ 23 / 3 / 2006 وجددت هذا الطلب بتاريخ 15/3/ 2007 وقمت بتسليم هذا الطلب الى السيد وزير العدل واستنادا ً الى ذلك انتظرت الاعلان لقبول طلبات الترشح سواء عن طريق القيادة القطرية او لجنة خاصة. الا انني فوجئت بترشيح رئيس الجمهورية الدكتور بشار الاسد كمرشح وحيد وعدم الاعلان-عن طلبي-". وأضاف: " اتقدم بطلبي هذا المتضمن الترشح لإشغال منصب رئاسة الجمهورية العربية السورية للفترة القادمة راجيا ً احالة الطلب الى مجلس الشعب السوري ليصار الى اصدار مايلزم من قوانين وتعليمات تتعلق بانتخاب رئاسة الجمهورية , وارفق طيا ً بيان قيد نفوس متضمنا ً اتمامي للعمر المطلوب وبيان يتضمن تمتعي بالحقوق المدنية والسياسية (غير محكوم) , متمنيا ً اتخاذ القرار لما فيه فائدة لتقدم وتطور سورية . وتطور سورية" .الرقة 12/5/2006"

ويرى المحرر القانوني لـ "المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان" أن هذه السابقة ستحدث ارتباكاً للقيادة السياسية في سورية، وقد يترتب عليها اجراءات تجاه السيد الخليل يصعب التنبؤ بها الآن، كما ستخلق اشكالية قانونية فيما لو احيل الأمر الى لجنة قضائية مختصة، هي في العادة من اختصاص المحاكم الستورية في العالم.

المرصد السوري


Philip I said...

Abu Kareem

I am truly intrigued by this story. But we all know where his application or he himself will end up!

Yazan said...

quite intersting.

Maysaloon said...

I think the man is being foolish. So he's submitted a request? Is he naive enough to imagine that this is only about the presidency and not the superstructure itself. There is an entire apparatus in the background which he frankly cannot control even if he did end up winning in some bizarre twist of fate. You cannot ride this beast unless you have complete mastery of it, otherwise you get knocked off and stamped on.

Anonymous said...

AK, I think the guy is a regime agent (or got the regime green light) and he was instructed to do that as a comdedy show to suck the last hopes out of people and send multiple messages.

Otherwise he should get 20 years for doubting the leadership of our beloved lion, mihebak, minhebak, more more more.

Yazan said...

People what the hell??

Wassim, regardless of what happens, dont u see in the attempt itself a very respectable move. He made a point, He showed us that the constitution is flawed, how many of us actually knew about that article in the constitution?
Isnt that exactly what Yousef al-Azmeh did? didnt he know exactly that he will never win... but, ;)

and fares, he might be an agent, but why would the regime bring the focus to such a very little know part of our country's constitution...? have u asked urself that? you think they care that much what we think to do such a stunt...?

The Syrian Brit said...

I agree with Yazan.. This is a very intriquing development..
It cannot possibly be a Regime ploy.. Just look at what they are trying to do to glorify Assad and his achievements and the 'love' people have for him (I feel sick just talking about it!!..).. The last thing they need is this 'clown' causing a distraction!..
I must say, I admire his gut.. even if it was just for the entertainment value!!..

Rabi Tawil (AKA Abu Kareem) said...

I agree with Yazan. I wouldn't rush to judgement about him. If he was a government stooge, he would be paraded around to show the rest of the world what an open and democratic system we have. Instead, he is being completely ignored.

Anonymous said...

Guys, I am playing the devil advocate here (Yazan and others could be right) but the guy could be for public consumption for people living aborad and for the internet blogs but is not wanted to cause a distration for people so busy loving Assad.

If this guy is for real why haven't anyone in the past 40 years presented himself as a candidate??? and why is he presenting himself knowing the Kamal got 12 years and Anwar got 5 and Kilo got 3 years, all for bogus charges, if this guy did not feel comfortable he would not have presented himself plus he is probably a baathist as well.

The oppostion is slightly banking on the move like Humsi sending him a letter etc...but the guy knows his limits and he won't be even on the ballots.

I would not be surprised if in 2014, we'll have multiple little name candidates challenging Assad (a la Egypt) to show virtual progress.

Assad has exceeded his dad's expectations, in 85 (15 years after he took power) he had all the God's festivities but his son took only 7 years to be promoted to God in Syria.

Anonymous said...

Bashar Akbar

Anonymous said...

Great Article! Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to author! I like articles like this, very interesting.

Anonymous said...

nice blog!

Anonymous said...

nice blog!Nice information

Anonymous said...

:-) ochen\' zaebatyj blog!

Anonymous said...

soglasen s vami ochen\' zaebatyj blog!