Sunday, July 08, 2007

Syria: What Would I Change if I Could

The current topic of blogger discussion on Creative Syria is:
Explain how you would implement this process of change, how you would minimize the risks involved, how long it should take to achieve desired results, and how you would deal with resistance to change.

Here are my thoughts.

(Photo: AK, Lillies in our Garden)


Anonymous said...

Well Written AK, I like it a lot...I think however that nothing we say or write has an impact so I am slowly retiring from being active in the blogging world...Hope you are doing well

Rabi Tawil (AKA Abu Kareem) said...


You need to be patient my friend. What took over 40 years to build cannot be changed overnight. We need all types of voices to speak up including someone with your passion.

The Syrian Brit said...

A very ineresting piece, Abu Kareem..
The one thing that strikes me about the predicament of our country is the lack of any 'joined-up thinking', to borrow a managment phrase!..
And while I agree with much of what you say, I do believe that the healthcare and education sectors are in a much worse state than you seem to suggest..
I do wish I could bring myself to share your (even very cautious) optimism.. I still think the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train!..
I truly hope I will be proven wrong!..
When I get back from Damascus, I might have some inspiration to write up my own views on the matter!..