Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Note to My Daughter

The short time that we have as parents to shepperd you, our children, into adulthood, is a time of much anxiety. We nag, we cajole, we praise and we lose our temper in our attempts to keep you and your brother in the straight and narrow. But when do we know that we have succeeded? Conventional wisdom dictates that children grow slowly into mature adults. But you, my dear, have defied conventional wisdom as you demonstrated to us, without a doubt, that we have succeeded.

It was not exactly how we wished it to happen, but then again life is never predictable. We sat in the corner of the office, worried sick, and watched as you, despite unremitting pain, spoke to the doctor calmly and with a grace and poise that belies your age. It is not that you were unaware of the gravity of your condition, but you refused to whine or wallow in self pity in spite of the poking, the prodding and the painful procedures. You cannot image how proud we are of the way you handled yourself during this ordeal.

Now that you are on your way to recovery, could you please pass on some of that wisdom to your younger brother?

(Photo by AK: Mekong river at sunset, Laos 1975. Handmade print in sepia tone; no photoshop back in the stone age)


Maysaloon said...

حمدالله على سلامتها أبو كريم

I'm sure you and the Missus have done a great job. Parents do worry too much and sometimes they should have a bit of faith in their own work, but I can imagine how hard it must be to let go sometimes ;)

The Syrian Brit said...

My dear Abu Kareem,
First things first.. I sincerely hope that your little flower is well on the way to full health.. Our love and wishes to her, and our prayers are with you and your wife.. I know that desperate feeling all too well!!..
I must say, kids often amaze me by their stoicism in the face of what we, wimpish adults, perceive as 'severe pain'.. although, in my line of work, I also often see kids (as well as grown-ups!..) who are so unbelievably soft and spoilt it is unreal.. I guess it says a lot about how a child is brought up by his/her parents
Finally, I love the picture!..

Abufares said...

Alf Alhamdillah 3ala salamta.
I wish her a speedy and full recovery.
You've done a great job along with Om Kareem. I don't have to personally know you to realize this.
God Bless!

Rabi Tawil (AKA Abu Kareem) said...

Thank you all for your kind words. SB, you know that it is doubly hard when you are a physician and the parent of sick child at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I love you daddy

Anonymous said...
please read...