Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Dear Hillary, About Lebanon...

Sitting thousands of miles away, angry, hopeless and feeling useless, I can either internalize everything and get an ulcer or try externalize it. So I will talk to whoever listens and write to influence and educate. I have signed petitions, been interviewed by the local newspaper and I continue to post on my blog. Does it make a difference? I don't know but it is the only thing I can do. Changing minds one person at a time is a long term project but so is the Middle East. This is especially true here, this most powerful nation whose behavior determines the destiny of many lesser nations, but whose citizenry is stunningly clueless on matters of foreign policy. Below is my letter to Senator Clinton, an attempt at directly influencing a politician of some standing. I will share her response, if and when I get one.

The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton
United States Senate
476 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-3203

Senator Clinton,

I am writing to plead with you to do your utmost to work for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. This is of utmost urgency to not only spare the lives of civilians, Lebanese and Israeli, but also to spare Lebanon from further destruction.

The United States is the only country that has the clout to ask Israel to stop its cruel and wanton destruction of Lebanon. There is no military, moral or practical justification for Israel's disproportionate actions. The targets have included: civilians (>95% of casualties) , housing, power plants, hospitals, bridges, a civilian airport (in a country without an air force), seaports (in a country without a navy) as well as factories producing milk products and pharmaceuticals. The destruction, even if it were to stop now, will cripple the Lebanese economy for years to come. Any reasonable person would conclude that Israel's aim is not the destruction of Hezbollah but the destruction of Lebanon as a viable country.

I do not condone Hezbollah's action that triggered this conflict, but it is also a myth perpetrated by Israel that Hezbollah represents an existential threat to the state of Israel.

You know very well that this is a war that the Lebanese did not ask for and did not want. Lebanon had been slowly healing for the past 16 years and was emerging as the vibrant, cosmopolitan and diverse place that it once was. The present Lebanese government had until now had the full support of the United States government. It was actively trying to resolve all outstanding national problems through dialogue including the issue of Hizbollah's militia. With the present crisis, the administration has essentially abandoned Lebanon giving Israel the unconditional green light to do whatever it wants. Adding insult to injury, the president has made it clear that he does not wish to intervene until Israel has had enough time to reach its goals.

It has been truly heart wrenching for anyone who knows and loves Lebanon to watch what is going on. Sixteen years of painstaking reconstruction undone in a week of vengeful attacks that serve no one.

Madam Senator, I know that since becoming a senator for the State of New York, you have become a staunch supporter of Israel. But I also remember your courageous position, prior to becoming senator, advocating for an independent Palestinian state.

I am asking you to take an equally courageous stand in support of immediate cessation of hostilities. It is not only the morally right thing to do but also the politically right thing to do. Please do not allow the administration's reckless foreign policies to further damage the United States' reputation. More immediately, Lebanon, a vital country in the Middle East needs to be rescued from complete destruction now.


Anonymous said...

Ummm...Americans don't sympathize with terrorists.

Anonymous said...

to anon,

You speak for and I Assume are a member of the brain dead/racist americans you speak of.

Rabi Tawil (AKA Abu Kareem) said...

Thank you Joe. These days it seems that whenever you add the much abused word "terrorist", everything becomes permissible.

The Syrian Brit said...

Abu Kareem,
Once again, I am simply amazed by the similarities in the way our two minds work..
For what it's worth, I have just sent off a letter to my MP (the Right Honourable Jack Straw, no less!..).. Its contents, and the thoughts conveyed in it, are remarkably similar to what you said to Senator Clinton..
At the risk of sounding like an old cynic (which I probably am!..), I think we are both wasting our breath!..

Anonymous said...

Just because Americans do not believe in your cause does not mean we are brain dead or racist or ignorant of forein policy. It means we know it was Hezbollah that killed over two hundred marines on a peace keeping mission in the 80's. It was Hezbollah that bombed the US embassy before that. We know that it is Hezbollah that will not cease the violence. We know the leader of Hezbollah condemned the 9/11 mass murders, not because it was a heinous act, but because Osama is a Sunni(You hate yourselves more that you hate us). We do not care what is happening to you because you are the enemy.

Anonymous said...

What bugs me with this letter is: what's the message you're trying to convey? That "Lebanon" has nothing to do with the Israeli reaction? That you're helpless in shaping your own destiny? That HA isn't part of Lebanon? That had Israel only killed 20 it'd be ok? I've been reading blogs now for days, researching a bit the history and was wondering: why don't you take Israel's message seriously? Why don't you write such letters to your PM, the one who's supposed to ensure your well being, asking to get rid of the HA parallel army within your own country? What are YOU doing to make your presumed enemy feel safer?

Rabi Tawil (AKA Abu Kareem) said...

cc wilson,
"We do not care what is happening to you because you are the enemy". Change the context and this could have been a statement by a hizbollah fanatic. The point is mindless blanket statements like this is why there is no peace. This mindset is also what allows you to watch people die on TV and feel absolutely no remorse. I am not your enemy even if you think I am.

Many Lebanese had been trying hard to resolve the issue of the HA militia for the past several years. Their leverage increased last year when the Syrian army left. But talks had not been fruitful to this point though some progress had been made. Given the still fresh memories of the civil war the government was careful not to push things towards a confrontation. What is sad is that the new Lebanese government, which was strongly (until now)supported by Western countries was not given more time and has been completely undermined by the disproportionate Israeli response. The reformers in Lebanon will now conclude that all the support shown by the West last year (in support of Syria's exit and disarming HA) was a sham aimed at insuring the security of Israel and NOT advancing the cause of a stable, prosperous and independent Lebanon.


I agree with most of your points

Anonymous said...

What allows me to watch people die on TV with no remorse is the image ingrained in my memory of hundreds of my fellow citizens jumping to their deaths from the burning heights of the world trade center. It was the peoples of the middle east who indoctrinated the Amercian people to the philosiphy that there are no innocents. In a country of 300 million I do not claim to speak for all Americans, but I for one will never forget or never forgive. The middle east is a brutal, medieval culture centuries behind the rest of the world in spritual and cultural developement. I can say, with a clear conscious, I do not care whether your people live or die -- a statement that would have been inconceivable to me five years ago. But that horrendous event made me realize that liberal humanitarian beliefs are incompatible to a world inhabited by brutal murderers who kill in the name of God. You will find no sympathy or support from me or the millions of Americans who feel as I do.

Rabi Tawil (AKA Abu Kareem) said...

cs wilson,

I get your point. Now if you nothing other than hate to spew, do it somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

It is your blog and I will repsect your wishes. But please allow me to make one additional point: as Americans are constantly being told that American policy created muslim extremisim, keep in mind muslim extremisim created me and americans like me. Thank you for allowing me to post my perspective on your blog.